Building tOlerance, uNderstanding and Dialogue across communities

The BOND (Building tOlerance, uNderstanding and Dialogue across communities) project promotes understanding, tolerance and dialogue, through a linked series of strategic educational and awareness raising actions, online and on-site, and by facilitating inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue. The implementing countries, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Romania is a region which was the home of the majority of European Jews before the Shoah, and where antisemitic attitudes have increased substantially over the last few years.

 Taking stock of and contributing to the current research in the field, the project will develop a testimonial-based curriculum and e-learning materials for students, train teachers on how to use the materials in their classrooms, and connect and empower youth across Europe to be multipliers and change-makers, carrying testimonial-based counter-narratives to their communities. The project brings people together from across religious and community backgrounds, to foster understanding and tolerance through dialogue, and create strategic alliances and enduring networks. The major aim of the project is to address deep-rooted prejudices and hateful attitudes and behaviours, specifically towards Jewish people in Europe, counter the dwindling knowledge about the Shoah, particularly among youth, and to promote tolerance, understanding and dialogue across religious, ethnic and cultural groups in our society.

 The BOND projects builds on the results of previous projects, such as the REC-funded CXRATT using IWitness, a testimonial-based digital educational platform, the EU-funded platform,, which BOND will extend on to compile e-learning materials and resources; and the on-going REC-funded project, Re-Act. BOND brings together a strong consortium of organisations across Europe, who work to counter prejudices, hatred and discrimination, through research, advocacy, awareness raising, education and dialogue.


Zachor Foundation for Social Remembrance is a civil education non-profit organization that aims to support educators in using immersive methods to develop skill and competences. We draw attention to dangerous phenomena in society such as racism, antisemitism, and prejudice. We organize formal and non-formal educational programs for educators and students using memoirs and testimony from survivors and witnesses of genocidal violence.

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Antiszemitizmus és a szemlélő-hatás

Antiszemitizmus a mai Európában


Polylogos is a politically independent NGO based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, working to shape inclusive communities, empower aspiring leaders, and strengthen democracy – locally, nationally and on EU level. Polylogos offers a platform for bridging ethnic, religious, political and other societal divides, encouraging open and constructive dialogue, and challenging all types of group-focused hatred and discrimination. Polylogos is the Coordinator for the project BOND, leading WPs 1 and 4, implementing all project activities in Romania, and supporting all partners in implementing the project in their respective countries.


Le Rose di Atacama provides research and discussions around the issues of individual rights, especially focusing on the rights of people most affected by discrimination and marginalization. Due to their longstanding experience providing trainings and educational materials in schools and among youth, they will co-lead WP3 as well as implementing all project activities in Italy.


AJC CE is a leading Jewish NGO in Poland, with deep knowledge of and experience in monitoring and responding to antisemitism, both on the level of government stakeholders and civil society. It is Poland’s leading NGO when it comes to fostering interfaith dialogue and gathering different faith communities around causes of common interest. They will play a lead role in the implementation of all BOND activities in Poland.

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